Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Dear Everyone,

Hello. How are you guys today?? I hope you are doing swell. I've been thinking, about "words". What words mean, and how they effect you. How they change your mood, how they make you feel about yourself, anything. I personally think that they are just words, and that you can just forget about them. Even if they are extremely hurt full. Many people use harmful words to express their feelings. I don't. I think that they only use mean words because of their own insecurities. But if it's just a joke, and they are being play full, that's another story. I think that if you say something really seriously, their is no reason to make your words hurtful. For you people who know me, you know I'm not the kindest person around. But, I don't say things to truly hurt somebody. If I say that your gross, I'm joking. When I'm serious, (which isn't that often) then you know that I mean business, but otherwise I really don't see why people would take my words so literal. I'm just saying, words are not always the best way to express your feelings.

Love life

Love to live

Love to love


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