Monday, February 9, 2009

Life sucks

hey guys,

Life is so interesting. You only have one, and you only have a number of days in your life. I know it might be a large number, but you never know what can happen. You might get in a fight with your parents right before you go to school, and when you cross the street while walking to school, you could get ran over by a drunk driver. You never know what life will hand you. Lemons... or bombs. You need to live life to the fullest. Challenges are made to make us stronger. Happiness is here to make us love life even more. When life hands you lemons... make lemonade! Dance! Scream! Be joyful! Live life to its fullest because you never know when your time is up. When I see my friends taking life for granted and not even caring that they are wasting time not being useful, it makes me sick to my stomach because that's not what life is all about. When you see your friends getting into cat fights and gossiping, tell them to stop and mean it. Don't just let them be mean and hurt others because that's hurting their chance at a happy life also.

love to laugh

love to live

love to love


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