Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I think that GPS in kids' phone is a great way to keep kids safe. Even though you may get in trouble if your not where you are supposed to be, your parents can find out where you are just in case something happens. What would happen if you were a parent and there was a serial killer on the loose?? What if your kid wasn't answering his/her phone??? What conclusions would you draw??! If you had GPS, then you could either feel that your children are safe, or not have a GPS and feel that you had no idea where they were or if they were safe or if they were not following your rules!!

All in all GPS is good.

But listening in on your kids' conversations and personal life is another story.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hello friends. Today I am going to tell you about how you can make cinnamon rolls. It is very easy to do. You only need a few ingredients and 30 minutes. I chose this recipe because everyone likes Cinnamon rolls. You can eat them anywhere. A picnic, the pool, breakfast, dinner, lunch, all in the same day... anything.

OK. Here are some ingredients. I'm not a good cook. And I had the recipe at my old house and it got lost. They didn't turn out so good... but here you go.

You get dough, put it in a bowl, poor a tinny bit of milk, mix it around, put a drop of water in it, a lot of Cinnamon, tiny nuts (it may sound weird but its good) put a sprinkle of salt, and mix it around. After that you take it out and roll it so that it looks like a snake. Then you put it in the oven for 8 minutes and at 450 degrees. And walla!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Day

Valentines day. A day to love. A day to just not care if you tell some random person that you like them. Hers what I love and hate.
That you can say you love your friends and not good weird looks.
You can hand out candy and luvy cards
It really has no meaning
If the person you like doesn't like you back
If you are to afraid to ask the person you like out
If you don't like anybody
If you like somebody but no one will give you a valentine and your lonely

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My friends

Twilight is cool. She is so friendly. Twilight is maybe the prettiest girl I know. She is awesome! She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, she makes me want to slap her sometimes.... but just because I love her. Today, we got in trouble for talking. Typical. We are pretty good friends, and when Twilight needs help, me and mighty mouse are on the way!!!! Oh yea don't forget orange sausage. He rocks. He is irritating most of the time and is pretty weird, but that's why I like him. He can make me laugh and he can make me angry. All the things a good friend would do. Last but not least country girl. Shes pretty weird. And really dramatic. But that's OK. I get used to it. She is crazy most of the time. And can get on my nerves. All the reasons why I love her. Just now I told her that I hated her and you should have seen her face. It was a joke. ha ha ha.
Lol. She is pretty kool. Shes.... pretty. I have to say that so she won't feel left out. Just joking!! Shes nice,pretty,kind, and funny. She awesome.



Monday, February 9, 2009

Life sucks

hey guys,

Life is so interesting. You only have one, and you only have a number of days in your life. I know it might be a large number, but you never know what can happen. You might get in a fight with your parents right before you go to school, and when you cross the street while walking to school, you could get ran over by a drunk driver. You never know what life will hand you. Lemons... or bombs. You need to live life to the fullest. Challenges are made to make us stronger. Happiness is here to make us love life even more. When life hands you lemons... make lemonade! Dance! Scream! Be joyful! Live life to its fullest because you never know when your time is up. When I see my friends taking life for granted and not even caring that they are wasting time not being useful, it makes me sick to my stomach because that's not what life is all about. When you see your friends getting into cat fights and gossiping, tell them to stop and mean it. Don't just let them be mean and hurt others because that's hurting their chance at a happy life also.

love to laugh

love to live

love to love


Mr. Presedente

Image from: HERE
My favorite president would have to be Franklin Roosevelt. He was really cool and brought us to believe that we could beat the great depression when all hope was lost. He was very optimistic. He tried to help all that he could. He was determined to bring faith and hope for a new tomorrow back to the USA.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Melody or Mulan

Picture from: http://fanimated.net/princess/images/princess8.jpg
Picture from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Movie_poster_mulan.JPG

I think that I'm most like Melody or Mulan.(Melody is Princess Ariels daughter) (Ariel is the little mermaid) I really like the ocean but I can't live there because I'm human. I really like to sing, I'm the same age as Melody, and I would rather be swimming in the ocean than at a ball. I am also like Mulan. I am wiling to prove that I am worthy of my family and willing to fight for my family and country instead of my dad. I am most like these people. I don't look anything like them.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Smash Burger


Today, I am going to talk about SMASH BURGER!!! I know I may be a "billboard" by saying it, but they rock! It's cheap. It's good. It's Smash Burger. I went their last Sunday.... I think. but they rock. Twilight 12 doesn't know where it is.


Its awesome. Go there. Now. Hurry.

Love 2 laugh

Love 2 live

Love 2 love



Dear Everyone,

Hello. How are you guys today?? I hope you are doing swell. I've been thinking, about "words". What words mean, and how they effect you. How they change your mood, how they make you feel about yourself, anything. I personally think that they are just words, and that you can just forget about them. Even if they are extremely hurt full. Many people use harmful words to express their feelings. I don't. I think that they only use mean words because of their own insecurities. But if it's just a joke, and they are being play full, that's another story. I think that if you say something really seriously, their is no reason to make your words hurtful. For you people who know me, you know I'm not the kindest person around. But, I don't say things to truly hurt somebody. If I say that your gross, I'm joking. When I'm serious, (which isn't that often) then you know that I mean business, but otherwise I really don't see why people would take my words so literal. I'm just saying, words are not always the best way to express your feelings.

Love life

Love to live

Love to love