Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break

The snow was coming down rapidly, blinding my eyesight. Whiteness surrounded me every where I looked. When my dad told me that we were going to have to drive to Denver, I was shocked and very frustrated. How were we going to venture through the extreme blizzard that surrounded us??! I lost all faith once we got on the road, though. It took us for what seemed like forever to pack our gear. Snow pants, gloves, the works. We were taking back my cousin to his beautiful house in Westminster, and we were going to stay at the house for 3 days. So, we were off. The ride was long, and vigorous. It took us an extremely long time, a total of two hours. Finally, we arrived at my aunts house.



Wednesday, March 18, 2009


How you can try to save money in these hard economy times, is:

Just keep living your life like you normally do, don't be effected by it!!! Don't even acknowledge that the economy sucks!
  • Don't avoid going shopping. If you need to get some new clothes, go ahead and do it. Just make sure it's reasonable priced.
  • Some agencies are in more trouble than others. Like McDonald's; doin fine!! So, if your on the run and your starving, don't starve yourself even more by waiting until you get home!!! And if you never buy anything, the economy wont get better!!! BE SMART

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Morphed Picture

Hello! Today, in photo shop, we got to make MORPHED PICTURES!!! It was really fun!!! My picture reminds me of a black hole!! Just waiting to suck you in!!! :) Here it is!

I tried to make it look like one of those things you see at a shrink.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hello, today I am in a fairly bad mood so I am going to be a critic!!!! By comparing some things.

Product #1: D.C. Shoes!!!!

I think they are the worst type of shoe out there. They are skateboarder shoes (they are pretty cute I'll give them that) and they are normally owned by gangsters, normal people or wanna be gangsters.

:)'s: They are cute, they are cheap, they are "in", and that's pretty much it.

:('s: They get worn out EXTREMELY easily, they fall apart daily, they slip off very easily because the shape of the shoe is like a bowl, and they tend to get very dirty.

Product #2: Nike!!!!

Nike are running shoe that are pretty decent. They help you run. They help you fall, BUT THEY ARE BETTER THAN DC!

:)'s: They are nice, inexpensive, cute, and has a good fit.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Today I made this beautiful picture of a husky eating the other huskies mouth. Lol. So cute!! It's really cute because the picture inside the frame is colored and outside is black and white. It's... old fashion and hip!! AT THE SAME TIME!!! :) So enjoy this picture. It's cute. More will possibly come!!



Monday, March 2, 2009

Jay Cutler

I never thought that he was good. He could be good someday. But for now, he sucks. I think that if they traded him and got someone that was reasonably good that it would be cool. If they would actually play and try. But I rarely see Jay Cutler doing an awesome job that her could be doing. I don't know. He's just not my fav.