Friday, January 30, 2009

Ms. C

My favorite teacher would most definitely have to be my 5th grade social studies teacher. She was so nice and made us take good notes but it was fun at the same time. We also played jeopardy. She would always answer my questions, even if some of them sounded stupid. I really miss her now that I'm going to different schools. She is one of my role models, and I want to be just like her when I grow up.

~~~~I love you Ms. C!!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Boy

My boy is definitely got to be Sam. He's always pretty nice to me and I love him like a brother. He's really high spirited and I can always be cheered up whenever I think about him. He is some one I look up to, and truly miss. He will forever be my best guy friend. SAM IF YOUR OUT THERE YOU ROCK!!!!


Monday, January 26, 2009

we are family all of my friends and me

HELLO! It's me. TWIX!!!! I'm so exited and I just can't hide it!!! He he he. GUESS WHAT!!!!! I am going to be walking home today, most likely, but when I'm walking, it will be in my new hoodie!!!! It's so cute!!! Cuter than yours!!! (jk jk jk) DO YOU KNOW WHO I LIKE!!?? I BET U DON'T! he he he!! Ok I like muffins. HA HA HA! I bet you didn't expect that!!! :D lol. But I really havn't talked about my friends!!! Here they are!! THESE ARE NOT RANKED! OK!!

1. Anna
2. E.J.
3. Storm
4. Leticia
5. Destany
6. Aspen
7. Allison
8. Mallory
9. Lilayyyyyyyy
10. Hannah
11. Coroline
12. Kenna
13. Jess
14. Jenna
15. Emma

THOSE People are my friends. Oh yeah don't forget Brenden and Jordyn

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My most painfull expirence

OK!! The most painful thing I've every gone through has to be when my parents were going through a divorce. My mom did some pretty jacked up things. This made me sad. I'm not going into detail, but I'm saying it was harsh. So ya. It ls OK now. I guess.



p.s. i love u Brenden

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


if i could have the awesomest bday party, it would be me and all my friends going to FIGI and i would party all night long. I would have hot waitors come and give me anything i want. i would also go shopping and pick out the perfect out fit even if its costs alot of $. I would use my dads credit card. I would also but a pink convertible. I would go to the movies with edward on my left and emmet on my right. that would be kool

Friday, January 16, 2009


hey hey hey. welcome 2 my blog. My name is *TWIX* (kewl name right!?) I love soccer, my fav colors r pink, purple, green, orange, onyx, topaz, and blue. I love the ocean. I swear im a mermaid. lol. I enjoy strngthining my diversity, and unique ness. My favorite books are "EAST", the twilight saga, "Marley and Me" and many others. I am a true romantic person, and i enjoy hanging out with friends. Some of my lines are "oodles" "suck on that" and "when life hands me lemons... PARTY!"

i hope you will stay tuned to my life and c wat happens
